Tennis is one of the most prestigious sports and today every person, who strives and makes his own rules, wants to play tennis!
After hard work, negotiations and business meetings there is nothing better than to play tennis. Winning in this game is winning in your life.
According to tennis players, you get not only an energy boost, but also new ideas, motivation for success and will power to plan your life in a new light.
If lawn tennis is not just a fun outdoor activity for you, we advise you to visit both group and individual tennis classes.
Individual tennis classes are intended both for those, who want to become professional players, and for those, who just want to master the game during a short period of time. Individual classes differ dramatically from the group classes. It is the most effective form of intensive tennis training.
Individual trainer approach and high density of a training session ensures the rapid learning of skills, which are crucial for the technical potential of a tennis player. Every individual training session leads to the tangible results. Our coaches will determine the duration of classes, their quantity and the cost. Individual tennis classes are given when the courts are not occupied and with your prior sign up.